Our school has a varied and enriching Sports and Physical Education programme. We pride ourselves on exposing our students to a range of sports, developing specific skills, general fitness, teamwork and sportsmanship.

Physical Education & Fitness

Each term, our Physical Education programme has specific focuses, which enables our classroom instruction to tie in well with our Interschool sports programme. Through the Kiwi Sport initiative, outside agencies visit our school for expert coaching in  a range of sports schoolwide. Our students also take part in morning Fitness routines, which help to promote the importance of being active each day. 

Here are our key P.E focuses  across the year: 

  • Term One: Swimming, Ripper Rugby & Small Balls (Cricket)
  • Term Two: Large Balls (Rugby & Soccer)
  • Term Three: Cross Country & Large Balls (Basketball & Netball)
  • Term Four: Athletics & Touch Football

Sports Events 

Our school holds three major school sports events annually. These are Swimming, Cross Country and Athletics. We also host a Kiwi Cricket Field Day in Term One and the Waiuku Group Athletics event in Term Four.

Our Year 3-8 students are given the opportunity to represent the school in a variety of sports events across the Waiuku & Franklin Zone each term. These include  Soccer, Rugby, Ripper Rugby, Touch, Triathlon, Gymnastics, Netball, Basketball, Tennis & Orienteering.

We also have a large number of teams who compete during the winter terms in the Waiuku Netball Competition each weekend. 

Our Teachers in Charge of Sports for 2020 is Brandon Murphy & Lauren McKinlay. Please contact them should you have any questions via admin@waiuku.school.nz