Students from Year 3 to Year 8 are encouraged to bring their personal digital devices to school to support their learning. To do this they must sign a BYOD agreement and follow our Waiuku Way digital values. 

This is an agreement between THE STUDENT, THE PARENTS and YOUR TEACHER about the personal digital device that they are allowed to bring to school. 

This agreement covers the use of any personal device and is in order of preference:

  • Chromebooks are inexpensive and reasonably robust. They do most the jobs laptops can do and use free simple online apps based on Google Suite. Please make sure they have a decent carry case for protection when travelling to and from school. 
  • Laptops are officially required at Waiuku College. This can be either Mac or PC and their website has details on specs and requirements. If your child is a Y8 then perhaps a laptop is better suited so it can be taken into college as a Y9. Typically, a well looked after laptop should last 3 years but teenage boys have a tendency to test this life-span. 
  • Tablets and iPad are great but can be frustrating for typing at times. Again, decent storage to protect the screen is vital. 

Teachers will be communicating how the BYOD system will operate in their classroom at the start of this first term. Please feel free to ask your child’s teacher if you require more information.

We take online safety seriously here at Waiuku Primary School. Netsafe is a website that offers ideas to help students and their parents use the internet in a positive way. It includes tips from popular digital platforms including Facebook, YouTube, Google, Microsoft, Snapchat, Instagram, Trademe and Twitter. Please visit: