It is a legal requirement that all enrolled children over 6 years of age attend school. We ask that when your children are not at school for some reason, you let our office know before 9.30am on the first day of absence with an explanation. If we do not hear from you we try to contact you directly.
Parents with no phones, or those we have not been able to contact in the morning, need to provide a written explanation of the child’s absence.
When a child is collected from school during school hours the class teacher or the Principal must be informed as we need to know where your children are at all times during school hours. Please make sure you sign your children out at the office.
Appointments with Staff
Our staff welcome the opportunity to discuss your children with you in both formal, and informal situations. If you wish to speak to the teacher, contact them directly in the first instance. However, our staff do have other meetings and commitments so giving you the time and attention you deserve may require a scheduled appointment.
Teaching times are well planned to optimise learning opportunities for all children, and we ask that you do not interrupt these sessions.
Should you require a formal appointment with any staff member please book this via our Office Manager Sue Hewitt admin@waiuku.school.nz
Head Student Assemblies are usually held on every 2nd Monday (Week 2, 4, 6 & 8 of each term) between 9:15 am and 9:50 am in our school hall. Please check our school calendar & Facebook events to confirm exact timings.
They will have Principal Certificates, The Waiuku Way and reminders and systems to promote a positive school culture. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Special Celebration Assemblies run for special events and the community will be notified. At other times, there are often syndicate assemblies. There is usually a class or group item, certificates are presented and we go over any reminders for the coming week. Parents are encouraged to attend these assemblies
Behaviour (See Positive Behaviour & Expectations)
Bikes and Scooters
When children ride to school their bikes and scooters are stored in the racks. All children must wear helmets and know the road rules. We ask that very young children do not ride, or are closely supervised by parents. Bikes and scooters must be walked on the footpath between crossing and school gate. No riding, scooting or skating in school grounds. Please provide a locking system for your child’s bike or scooter, as we have expensive models targetted and stolen by individuals walking past our school. 🙁
Book Club
The school is a member of the Scholastic Lucky and Arrow Book Clubs who sell paperbacks at three different levels suitable for our pupils’ age group. When ordering, money must accompany the form. It generally takes two to three weeks after the close of orders for the books to be received at the school for distribution. Talk to Mrs Anita Lamont our Librarian if you have any specific questions.
Car Parking
In the interests of safety, we request that only staff cars use the school car park, except for those are legally allowed to access the mobility park by the Admin Office by displaying a mobility parking permit.
When collecting or dropping children at school, we ask that you consider the safest option for parking and remember, children can be very unpredictable.
Please parents, ensure your children cross George Street at the pedestrian crossing. The far side of George Street is a clearway zone, so please do not park there between the stated times. Please do not park on the yellow lines on George Street or France Street. These rules are there for our children’s safety and to make sure we are keeping the law.
Changes in Travel Arrangements
If your child needs to go home by a different method, please notify the school, either with a note if planned in advance or by notification to the office if unplanned. It is vital that we know where your children are at all times.
Collecting Children
There is limited vehicle parking in upper George Street. Junior pupils may be picked up at the bottom block until 3.10 pm. After that time all children will sit in the office. Regular late pick up will be required to enrol their children at KAS.
Students who are not collected by 3:30 pm will result in the Principal notifying the New Zealand Police. This policy is due to concerns for parents (e.g. car crash) and for student welfare. Please communicate with our office at all times if you are running late.
If you have a concern or complaint about something happening at school, please contact us directly and we will discuss this with you. If it is something happening in the classroom, please speak to the classroom teacher first. If you are not satisfied with the outcome of this, talk to the Senior Teacher, and after that the Principal. Following this, we have a very specific procedure for you to follow which may help you further.
Visit our Policies and Procedures page for this process.
Curriculum Delivery
All schools in New Zealand base their curriculum delivery on a national curriculum. The school then develops a scheme to progress students through levels. Our school believes in maximizing educational opportunities. To assist the implementation of quality programmes, the staff undertake professional development to update themselves on ‘best practice’ models from current educational research.
Our school uses a Rich Theme approach that empowers learners to take ownership of learning. This approach provides powerful authentic learning experiences, with strong connections to children’s lives, developing problem solving abilities and future focused potential.
Core Values
- Respect – We are tolerant, sincere, considerate; showing both courtesy and modesty. We are kind & caring.
- Resilience – We are determined & adaptable; embracing life’s challenges while remaining positive and balanced.
- Integrity – We are honest, fair, loyal; seeking justice and the truth.
- Independence – We are confident, resilient, decisive people who preserve and have courage.
Where appropriate, and to further your child’s education, trips outside school are planned. Newsletters are sent home advising parents of trips. Consent is assumed for outside of Waiuku and at times fun excursions have payments required. We realise things can be tight financially at times, if you cannot afford a trip please see the Principal, as we are reluctant to see our students miss out.
Health & well-being
- Sick children must stay at home and not come to school.
- Children must stay at home and not come to school when they are suffering from contagious illnesses.
- Please notify the school when children are unwell.
- Provide alternative emergency contacts in writing where children can be cared for if parents are unavailable.
- Provide the school with details of chronic conditions e.g. asthma in writing.
- Provide the school with details of medicine requirements in writing.
- Provide the school with details of, and if necessary the medicine for dealing with emergencies in writing.
- Reimburse the school for any expenses incurred in taking a child to medical care.
- Fill in health and dental forms on arrival in the school.
Administration of Medication in Non-Emergency Situations.
The following is required of parents:
1. To provide a medical statement that allows a non-medical staff member to administer the medication in specified doses.
2. This statement is to contain the name of the medication, the dosage and permission for staff to supervise administration. It must be signed by the caregiver/s.
3. To inform the school of any change of medical circumstances, and to send an agreed amount of medication.
Please ensure that medication left at school is clearly labelled with the child’s name and medical condition.
Please note that it is the school’s policy to send sick children home as quickly as possible. We have neither the facilities nor the personnel to cater for them adequately.
The following is a Health Department Guide for schools regarding periods of non-attendance:
Illnesses Period of Exclusion
- Chicken Pox – 7 days after the appearance of the rash.
- Measles – 7 days from the date of appearance of rash.
- German Measles – 5 days from the date of appearance of rash
- Rubella – Take care to keep infectious children away from pregnant women as the disease can damage the unborn child
- Mumps – Until swelling of glands has completely gone, usually 9-10 days. Contacts not excluded.
- Poliomyelitis – 7 days from onset. Contacts, pupils and teachers not excluded.
- Ringworm – No exclusion if being treated by the doctor.
- Scabies – If all scabies covered – no exclusion.
- Whooping Cough – Exclusion for 21 days. Any other children in the household not fully vaccinated should be kept at home for 14 days.
- Scarlet Fever – 24-48 hours if being treated by a doctor. A minimum of 7 days if untreated.
- Nits | Head-lice – No exclusion once hair has been treated with suitable products.
Home Learning
Home learning is an extension of the school programme and supports, enhances, and consolidates teaching and learning. It provides a positive link between home and school.
- outline expectations, routines, and suggested time requirements for home learning to students and parents at the start of the year
- set home learning that reflects students’ individual needs and changing ages and stages, and reinforces teaching and learning
- may select what they give to children for home learning but should include tasks to meet and support the learning needs of children in literacy and numeracy (e.g. spelling/basic facts)
- monitor home learning and provide constructive feedback to students and parents
- ensure students understand their home learning tasks and can work independently, where possible
- communicate home learning concerns to parents.
- are responsible for their own home learning
- understand their home learning tasks and work as independently as possible.
- encourage and support their children
- provide feedback to the child and the teacher
- communicate with the teacher if their child is unable to complete the home learning, or if family or other circumstances take priority.
Home Learning should not be a stressful time and parents may opt out at any time.
Jewellery and Valuables
Students are asked not to wear jewellery other than watches or ear studs to school. This does not apply to items of cultural significance e.g. bone carving. Any belongings are brought to school “at own risk”. Some items are dangerous when worn for sporting activities. The school takes no responsibility for loss or damage of valuables brought to school.
Please note: Toys, mobile phones, & gaming equipment are classed by staff as valuables and will not be allowed at school. If mobile phones are required for safety, these must be left at the office during school hours.
Leaving School
When children are withdrawn from our school, either at the end of Year 8 or to move from the district, it is essential that all library books, reading material or other school equipment is returned. School records will be forwarded to the new school when requested. Students should take their school books and personal items with them and also check the lost property.
Children are encouraged to borrow books from the school library, which is open from 9.00 a.m. – 3 p.m. everyday. Children are required to have a library book bag in which to carry books to and from school. These can be purchased from the school office or you can make your own – the pattern is available from the school office.
Our librarian is available at interval and lunch time with student librarians to help. If you would like to join the team, regularly OR occasionally, to help in the library – we would love to have you! Please contact the school office.
Our school lunch hour is from 1 – 1:50 pm. Children eat outside or inside with their teacher. Teachers monitor lunches and behaviour as part of our Waiuku Way expectations. All rubbish is to be taken home, please. Lunch and drink containers should be plastic or a material that cannot smash. We encourage healthy balanced eating so chocolate, lollies (including fruit string type foods) and sugary drinks are not allowed (including ‘energy’ drinks). If you wish your child to come home for lunch, please let their classroom teacher know in writing. and sign them out via the office.
Regular sausage sizzles are run by the PTA. These are advertised in our school Facebook page and via email.
If children are asked to bring money for specific purposes, please put it in an envelope and fill in with Name, Room No. and purpose. e.g.
- Name: Tu Broke
- Room 2
- Bus Money
- Trip – Hot Pools Celebration
Music Programmes
Outside specialist music teachers offer parents opportunities for individual instruction within school time & grounds. Feel free to contact the office for information.
Parent Help in School
We have a number of areas in which parent help is appreciated e.g. library, reading tutoring, making equipment, reading mileage, sewing, or specific skills in classrooms such as supervising pupils working on the computer. If you would like to be involved, please contact the school office or class teacher. We request that all volunteers fill in a NZ Police Vet form at the office. The school covers this cost.
Pedestrian Crossing (also see Zebra Crossing)
The crossing in George Street is controlled by our Principal, a staff member or a parent, and 4 student road patrollers, from 8.25 -to 8.45 am and from 2:55 to 3:10 pm to ensure a safe crossing for pupils walking home. If you would like to help as a crossing supervisor before school, please contact the school office.
Policies & Procedures
The Board of Trustees has a link to all of the school Policies & Procedures. These are accessible at https://waiuku.school.nz/policies-and-procedures/
Positive Behaviour Expectations and Systems
We believe that all students have the right to learn in a safe and happy environment. This right also comes with the responsibility to follow our school-wide expectations (rules).
At Waiuku Primary School we have a system called ‘The Waiuku Way’. These are our rules;
The Waiuku Way:
- We Respect our School
- We are Kind & Caring
- We Focus on our Learning
The Waiuku Way guide us in all our actions, decisions and systems to promote positive outcomes for everyone. All teachers have developed positive classroom behaviour systems to promote our Waiuku Way. They also run 3 strikes systems for poor behaviour. If a student is ever removed from the classroom to the office by the teacher this is considered serious. They will be held in time out until either the teacher or Office contacts their parents. Parents are requested to come to school to assist the teacher in getting them back in class and following The Waiuku Way.
The playground interval and lunch times operate a system that is kept separate from the classroom. We promote our Waiuku Way by catching our students being awesome. They receive a Waiuku Winners Cards that put them in the draw for having a free Pita Pit Lunch. From time to time exceptional students get to join Mr Drewery for lunch. These students are chosen by their Hub teachers.
Students who struggle to follow our Waiuku Way in the playgrounds are brought to our Principal, Mr Drewery. If it is obvious they are choosing to not respect our expectations they then fill in yellow Thinking Letter, parents are phoned and they entered into the playground ‘3 strikes and you are out system’. On the 3rd strike that student is removed from the playground at interval and lunch for 3 days.
This is cumulative over the school year and creates a happy safe playground for all our students, staff and parents.
Pre-School Visits
The school actively encourages the local pre-school groups to bring children on orientation visits before they are due to begin at the New Entrant level. If this has not been arranged, or your child does not attend a pre-school group, please feel free to contact the school and arrange a visit. Generally, new entrants have 2 morning visits on a Wednesday from 8:45 am to 11:00. These arranged through the office and with the class teacher.
If your child is having difficulty at school it is essential that you first contact the teacher and discuss the problem. If you are not satisfied or wish further clarification, please contact the Principal. It is rare that problems cannot be solved by a discussion with school personnel. Complaints of a serious nature, which are not resolved, may be taken in writing to the Board of Trustees according to school policy.
Programmes for Children with Special Needs/Abilities
We undertake regular review of all children’s learning to ensure individual needs are met. Students requiring support or extension programmes are identified and catered for. Some examples of these include:
- Teacher aide support in class
- Perceptual Motor Programme (PMP)
- Toe to Toe
- Instruction in small group or 1-1 with teacher and cross grouping.
- ICAS examinations Y3 – 8
- Otago Problem Solving Maths Y5 – 8
- Mathex Y5 – 8
- Specialist workshop held at WPS for Franklin District schools and our students.
Reporting to Parents
This takes place via our online Student Management System called Hero. This can be downloaded via Playstore and App Store. This can be accessed at any time and throughout the year is updated with achievement data, progress and rich learning evidence. Students are able to self-evidence their progress and achievement as part of this process.
In early Term 2 we hold Student Led Conferences take place. Parents are invited along to share students learning, ask questions of the teachers and celebrate student achievements. This process is led by the students.
This is run as an optional process in Term 3.
Parents can request a time to meet to discuss learning at a mutually agreeably time.
Smoking & Vaping
Our school is a smoke-free & vape-free environment. There is no smoking or vaping allowed on school premises or while escorting pupils on trips. We ask that parents and visitors to the school respect these rules.
Sick Bay
Please do not send sick children to school. In the case of a child requiring immediate medical assistance, we may arrange this and notify the parents. First Aid treatment will be given in the case of minor accidents. It is essential that the school is notified of any condition that should be taken into account when treating children for minor injuries or ailments. If the injury is considered serious enough, we will always contact our parents and Whānau via phone, text or email.
Use of School Facilities
Our school facilities are open to the school community outside school hours for recreational use. At times a small fee is charged to groups and organisations. We do ask that you treat the school property as you would treat your own, ensuring that no damage occurs. We ask you to supervise young children when they are playing in the grounds. Due to damage, skateboards are banned. Bikes may be ridden on hard court areas in out of school hours. Due to the fences please contact the office should you require a key. A bond will be held until it is returned.
Year 7- & 8 Technology Programme
Our Year 7 & 8 students attend View Road Primary School for the delivery of the Technology Programme (Art, Food Tech, Hard Materials, Fabric Tech). The students rotate through the subject areas over the year on rotation roster.
View Road School is fully independent of WPS manages all aspects of the curriculum, staffing and behaviour management. The Senior Teacher is charge is Ms Sue Walsham. You may contact her on or admin@viewroad.school.nz or phone 09-235 8266.
Zebra Crossing (also see Pedestrian Crossing)
While we don’t have anything related to Z we thought that if you have come this far you deserve something so…Zebra Cross (see Pedestrian Crossing) 😉